A polite suggestion, for future reference-

Feb 24, 2024,08:48 AM

If being labeled a "skeptic" offends you so, then perhaps addressing the folks at the IPCC who put together the sixth assessment report describing the damage anthropogenic climate change is bringing, and the tens of thousands of professors and scientists at universities, research institutes and national labs all around the world who believe both the IPCC and the scientific method as "people who are teens or scientists who have few years of college and maybe 20+ years work experience" while dismissing their peer-reviewed findings isn't a good way of going about it wink

If you are of heterodox persuasions, then be proud of it! Nothing to do with your decency at all - just professional disagreements. After all, science is just a model some people made up to explain observations, not the absolute truth.

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Comments: view entire thread


Where will it end?

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : February 19th, 2024-17:39

She's still wrong.

 By: BigFatPauli : February 19th, 2024-17:45

Back at ya kid….😵‍💫🤐🥹

 By: myles721 : February 19th, 2024-18:03


 By: amanico : February 19th, 2024-21:12

Billy... Idol?

 By: amanico : February 20th, 2024-22:03

Billy Mumy. Actor/musician :-)

 By: InDebtButOnTime : February 21st, 2024-00:17

I was wondering who was gonna see that…

 By: myles721 : February 21st, 2024-03:30
just a matter of time before Greta sends us to the cornfield 😆😩

Hehehe, yes!

 By: amanico : February 21st, 2024-08:05

"You're a bad man, a VERY BAD man"!

 By: InDebtButOnTime : February 21st, 2024-15:06


 By: amanico : February 21st, 2024-16:28

Who? Me???

 By: amanico : February 21st, 2024-16:24


 By: amanico : February 21st, 2024-08:05


 By: Clueless_Collector : February 19th, 2024-18:39
Earth is how many millions years old and we are listening to people who are teens or scientists who have few years of college and maybe 20+ years work experience to predict what is going to happen. I still believe Mother Earth and Nature will take care of... 

No question the Earth would be fine ...

 By: als1678 : February 19th, 2024-19:02
We know of at least 5 mass extinctions which obliterated most of the existing species at the time. The dinosaurs had a great time while it lasted though! I don't think alarmism, or electric cars for that matter, help much. But if you are buying watches ma... 

I agree...but we only know what we know and what current text book says....

 By: Clueless_Collector : February 19th, 2024-19:21
What are the lithium battery makers use to excavate? Huge Caterpillar bulldozers which ran on re-chargeable batteries? How can our modern science and physics explain how the ancient Magastructures were built? How those super heavy tons of stones were stac... 

I don't really disagree with you!

 By: als1678 : February 19th, 2024-19:38
I just don't like the tendency to mix politics / polices and science. I don't think many in the science community think that electric vehicles are great for environment, especially considering the manufacturing impact. Science is not always right, but ten... 

Thank you! I agree with you…and I’m not into the politics.

 By: Clueless_Collector : February 19th, 2024-20:15
I’m always trying to see facts, challenge the claims and judge for myself. Good to know about the new models but there is assumption and there are changes that we have to factor into it. In my line of work, root causes, models, evidences and proving/dispr... 

When you say that battery production is just as damaging…

 By: Carlos22 : February 20th, 2024-06:49
Are you taking into consideration the fact that batteries can be recycled? An internal combustion engine can also be recycled, but you cannot recycle the tons of fuel burnt by the engine over its lifetime. Also, battery technology and charging efficiency ... 

Your opinion really puzzles me..

 By: Henke : February 19th, 2024-20:55
regarding how not many in science think that EVs are good for the environment. I'm curious what led you to that impression? I work in academia (specifically in energy-related materials science research), and pretty much all my colleagues and the policy pe... 

If scientists spent time personally enlightening every "clueless soul"

 By: Henke : February 19th, 2024-20:19
there would be no more time for science! In the meantime, scientific consensus is that the operational carbon footprint is still a much larger contribution than the initial fabrication stage, and that as the grid gets more renewable, battery powered vehic... 

There is definitely time...Chinese saying, "10 years to shape trees, 100 years to shape humans"

 By: Clueless_Collector : February 19th, 2024-20:39
You have to be patient and educate people. There is no point to do something in this continent while continue to do something else in other continents. Trust ... but verify. I don't know nowadays, if I like to verify what I see, or read. Hidden agendas ev... 

 By: Henke : February 19th, 2024-21:00
Yes indeed, trust but verify - that's the whole reason why I linked you to the GREET model and the MIT LCA course in my previous post, for your own verification needs! The unfortunate case is, verification takes a lot more work than trusting, so most peop... 


 By: Esharp : February 20th, 2024-00:05
I don’t post often here, but seeing this thread I had to say something. Thank you for posting this. The simple fact is that the while-life carbon costings show that EVs have a smaller footprint than ICE-powered vehicles. “But my V8!”, people say. Yes, the... 

This! about your "This!"

 By: indignantdenial : February 20th, 2024-04:28
Agreed. When people brand themselves as sceptical, it's often not in good faith, more in line with either avoiding dealing with complex and undesirable outcomes or a sort of dogmatism that masquerades as critical inquiry. This is all too often the product... 


 By: Esharp : February 20th, 2024-16:41
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Just to be clear, I wasn’t a skeptic in the way we usually understand that word today - I was just skeptical that it was a big deal. Surely these folks were blowing it all out of proportion? But then I realised that no... 

Growth and hypocrisy, two constants it seems...

 By: indignantdenial : February 20th, 2024-19:10
I didn't mean to imply you were a sceptic; someone above was though. Sorry about that! Still, you're very right that we justify things that way, and I think that justification is, for the time being, the best we've got shy of adopting impractical methods ... 

Who are you and what authority do you have…

 By: Clueless_Collector : February 21st, 2024-18:57
If you are referring to me? I have moved on and stop responding because this is a waste of time (for me) and everyone is entitled to their own opinions, what is right or wrong is all relative. I take offense if you criticize me as being skeptic as you don... 

It doesn't really matter...

 By: indignantdenial : February 21st, 2024-19:24
I'm criticizing your arguments. Whether you're a decent person was never a question for me, I am just as sure as you are that you are kind and caring. But that doesn't mean I can't criticize your arguments and whether they stand up to scrutiny, and in par... 

A polite suggestion, for future reference-

 By: Henke : February 24th, 2024-08:48
If being labeled a "skeptic" offends you so, then perhaps addressing the folks at the IPCC who put together the sixth assessment report describing the damage anthropogenic climate change is bringing, and the tens of thousands of professors and scientists ... 

Just keep the discussion within, not hinting “someone above…”

 By: Clueless_Collector : February 24th, 2024-16:27
That is what I’m saying, leave other people alone, no need to call out. Can we move on? Thank you.

Just saw this reply to my post

 By: Esharp : February 27th, 2024-04:00
Sorry, not sure what you meant by “someone above”? Best E.

This went more deep than I could imagine

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : February 19th, 2024-19:56
it was just a joke. 😂😂

Jocke's jokes are never shallow, lol....

 By: Clueless_Collector : February 19th, 2024-21:14

Indeed! :))))

 By: amanico : February 19th, 2024-21:14

One excellent Jocke joke deserves another...

 By: enjoythemusic : February 19th, 2024-21:19

Too funny! :)

 By: amanico : February 19th, 2024-21:59

: )

 By: mdg : February 19th, 2024-22:14

ROFL!!! Even the chairs? :)

 By: amanico : February 19th, 2024-21:00


 By: amanico : February 19th, 2024-22:01

Funny one!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : February 19th, 2024-21:56

Oh well...

 By: Gregineugene : February 19th, 2024-21:58
...there go all the gasoline powered guitars! Thanks to: ...  


 By: amanico : February 19th, 2024-22:01

Yep...real bummer!

 By: Gregineugene : February 19th, 2024-23:43
These darn kids just don't understand what they're doing

True, very true!

 By: amanico : February 20th, 2024-04:03

Ecellent ;)

 By: JP_iron_head : February 20th, 2024-01:58

Yeah, the way to go is to reduce production activities and consumption..

 By: S F : February 20th, 2024-16:18
But with the world population continue increasing, lets see if technology would be able to support increased activities and consumption with lower carbon emissions.


 By: amanico : February 24th, 2024-17:38

Precisely. What's the point of marginal technical solutions . . .

 By: Dr No : February 24th, 2024-17:29
. . . when aggregate demand keeps increasing? One child families for half a century. That's the ticket. 👨‍👩‍👦


 By: amanico : February 24th, 2024-17:38

How about all goes virtual?

 By: gup502 : February 21st, 2024-01:11
That could be the end of civilisation.