welcome DR , and congrats [nt]

Jan 30, 2010,02:25 AM

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Please welcome Dr. Jonathan Zhang aka "Z3" as your new GP forum moderator!

 By: MTF : January 27th, 2010-06:15
Long-term G-P fans may remember that Peter Conrad kindly stayed on as volunteer "Passionerator" of PuristSPro G-P forum after his personal commitments reduced his contributions here. We appreciate Peter's dwindling participation is a reflection of his inc... 


 By: lien : January 27th, 2010-06:22
looking forward to more GP coverages~ cheers, Ed~

Congrats Jonathan!

 By: AnthonyTsai : January 27th, 2010-06:23
First off, I would like to thank Peter Conrad for voluntarily watching over GP forum for all these past years. His modship will be definitely missed here, and I hope we will still see from time to time in here. Congrats Jonathan and welcome to the PuristS... 

Best of Luck with your new responsabilities, Jonathan!

 By: amanico : January 27th, 2010-06:35
Warm congrats for being the new moderator for this WONDERFUL brand, my friend. Make us DREAM! Best, Nicolas

Welcome to the team, Jon!

 By: ThomasM : January 27th, 2010-06:41
Looking forward to your tenure here. Cheers, TM

Congrats! [nt]

 By: aaronm : January 27th, 2010-07:48
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Welcome Jon! Good timing with SIHH just finished and lots to talk

 By: timerider : January 27th, 2010-07:55
about at GP. Best of luck. Tim

Life in general is about timing I guess

 By: AnthonyTsai : January 27th, 2010-08:21
Check out the post in TimeOut forum http://timeout.watchprosite.com/show-forumpost/fi-686/pi-3615991/ti-581416/s-0/ Cheers, Anthony

Welcome aboard, Doc! Your perspicacity . . .

 By: Dr No : January 27th, 2010-08:24
. . . and ability with a lens will serve GP fans well . . . cordially, Art

Congrats Z3! [nt]

 By: DRMW : January 27th, 2010-08:28
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Congrats Z3.

 By: VMM : January 27th, 2010-08:34
Best wishes. Vte

Congratulations to Peter Conrad and Welcome Z3! [nt]

 By: patrick_y : January 27th, 2010-08:57
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Big Congrats and best of luck :) [nt]

 By: Bill : January 27th, 2010-09:06
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 By: MiniCooper : January 27th, 2010-09:54

Congrats Jonathan,

 By: papillonwatchman : January 27th, 2010-10:09
hope you enjoy and will have fun here as a moderator, looking forward to learn something more about GP. Best, Michel


 By: Davo : January 27th, 2010-11:52
And all the best.

Warm Congratulations

 By: webtimer : January 27th, 2010-15:18
Congratulations on your appointment! Thank you for a wonderful set of reports from the SIHH. They were a real pleasure to read. Good luck and good watches in the future!

Jonathan who?

 By: KIH : January 27th, 2010-16:59
Kidding Congrats, my friend! Dr? Oh, yeah, you are, hehehe. When will the NY boutique be really open? I have been looking forward to it and meeting GP USA President. See you soon! Ken

Congratulations, Jon!

 By: dxboon : January 27th, 2010-20:48
I know you will be a great leader on future adventures into the world of Girard-Perregaux! I think GP is putting out some exciting watches, and I look forward to learning more about all of them. Cheers, Daos

Congrats Z3!

 By: ED209 : January 27th, 2010-22:13
Best wishes to you and congrats! Regards, ED-209

The Best To You Jon!!

 By: pingtsai : January 27th, 2010-23:09
Great to have you on board. Looking forward to more great reports from you.

Huge congrats

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : January 27th, 2010-23:53
and I'm so happy as big GP fan that we have such esteemed Moderator for our forum All the best Damian

Welcome Z3 and congrats

 By: gazoz : January 28th, 2010-00:18
looking forward to your input

Welcome & congrats Jon!

 By: fernando : January 28th, 2010-03:55
looking forward to learning so much more about this well established and respected brand. best fernando

Welcome Jonathan

 By: vlkcheng : January 28th, 2010-04:23
I'm looking forward to your post and sharing your passion with us. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Peter Conrad for his dedecation over the years as the GP forum moderator. His knowlege and kindness is second to none.

Congratulation Z3

 By: Quan : January 28th, 2010-06:30

Good on you, Jonathan!

 By: tony p : January 28th, 2010-14:07
A committed and passionate watch-lover for an historic and esteemed brand. Gotta be a winning combo. Cheers Tony P

Congrats Jonathan! [nt]

 By: CaliforniaJed : January 29th, 2010-10:40
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Big congrats to all involved!!

 By: PeterCDE : January 29th, 2010-11:26
Enjoy the brand, the forum and the fans!! Cheers, Peter

Dear Peter. Thank you for your help with GP all these years.

 By: Z3 : January 31st, 2010-00:19
Those are some big shoes to fill. Jon (Z3)

welcome DR , and congrats [nt]

 By: aldossari_faisal : January 30th, 2010-02:25
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Thank you all very much for your warm welcome and support!

 By: Z3 : January 31st, 2010-00:29
I am greatly honored to work amongst all the knowledgeable moderators and GP aficionados Thank you PeterCDE, for your passionate support of the forum over the past years. It will be an exciting journey for me. I will treat my tenure here as a learning exp... 

Congrats Jon!

 By: SJX : January 31st, 2010-08:32
Looking forward to your good work. - SJX

Congrats Jon !

 By: foversta : January 31st, 2010-14:56
First of all thanks to Peter for the great job he did. Congrats Jon for your new position, your constant activity will bring a lot to this GP forum. Fr.Xavier

Welcome and

 By: Dje : February 4th, 2010-13:23
Hi, Congratulations to the former moderator and the new moderator! Enjoy Cheers Dje

Warm welcome

 By: nitediver : February 6th, 2010-05:28
A warm welcome to Jonathan! Where are you based? Best Stefan


 By: tony-cn : March 26th, 2010-05:53