Very nice.

Jan 01, 2024,15:35 PM

Does it feature hacking seconds?

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Happy New Year to all WPS fellows. A simple modern classic

 By: hora12reborn : January 1st, 2024-15:13
to start 2024 ...  


 By: hora12reborn : January 1st, 2024-15:19

Very nice.

 By: lavrentivs : January 1st, 2024-15:35
Does it feature hacking seconds?


 By: hora12reborn : January 1st, 2024-20:35

Lovely reference !

 By: Aquaracer1 : January 1st, 2024-17:01


 By: hora12reborn : January 1st, 2024-20:24

Just switched from the ref 2390 . . .

 By: Dr No : January 1st, 2024-18:06
. . . which was on my wrist for a week in favor of . . . . . . the Rail. Out with the old, in with the new for the New Year. ;-) ...  

I've been collecting Omega for fifteen years . . .

 By: Dr No : January 1st, 2024-18:15
. . . but 2024 will likely see no additions. Taking a break for the present . . .

Dr No has plans for his loose cash in '24 . . .

 By: Dr No : January 1st, 2024-18:28
. . . and there's little left for watches. ๐Ÿ˜ž ...  

Ha! I see!

 By: amanico : January 1st, 2024-18:29

Remember, it's . . .

 By: Dr No : January 1st, 2024-18:35
. . . the singer . . . . . . not the song.


 By: amanico : January 1st, 2024-18:59

Both Omegas are great.

 By: hora12reborn : January 1st, 2024-20:26

The ref 2390 is a scarcity on account of . . .

 By: Dr No : January 1st, 2024-20:33
. . . its double-signature. There are many signed dials, but Rudolf Niklaus is arguably rare - I've found fewer than half a dozen others on the 'net. Rudolf Niklaus was a retailer who must have specialized in Omega and Tissot; there's little information a... 


 By: hora12reborn : January 1st, 2024-20:37

Thanks. HNY!

 By: hora12reborn : January 1st, 2024-20:24